Sun n’ Fun 2018 – The Goldilocks Effect’ Fun 2018 – The Goldilocks Effect

Sun n' Fun 2018

Sun n’ Fun 2018 – The Goldilocks Effect

Everyone knows that when you go to the theater you don’t want to sit too close to the stage or  too far left or right.  Depending on the sport you may want to sit at center court or behind the goal.  Well, this is all fine and dandy for events that take place on Mother Earth.  Events that are, more or less, two dimensional.

 But what happens when you go to an airshow like Sun n’ Fun, where the action takes place well above terra firma, that is, we add a third dimension?  Is there really a “just right” place to view the event?  Should you be on the flight line?  How about in a comfortable chair that allows you to lean back to look skyward (holding your favorite beverage of course)?  Or maybe somewhere above ground level?  Is there really a Goldilocks seat?
I’ll let you decide.
Ground Level
Sun n' Fun 2018Sun n' Fun 2018 On the Flightline
The view from an observation platform.
Sun n' Fun 2018        Sitting back looking skyward (use your imagination for the beverage). Sun n' Fun 2018

So, where would you choose?

For me, the real advantage of adding that third dimension is that any choice is a good choice.  Because the venue is so large and most all of the action takes place overhead, just about every seat is a good seat (even if you’re sitting behind the lady with the big hat).
Of course, if you don’t agree, you could camp out the night before to get space directly behind the fence close to the flight line next to a porta-potty (which is quite ripe after a day in the sun).  Or you could pay big bucks to sit in a “VIP” area (behind the same fence) on uncomfortable plastic folding chairs with 150 other guests who are also asking themselves why they spent money to be herded into an area the size of a third grade classroom in the direct sun with no facilities. Neither of these options has any appeal to me.
I’ll confess that I do have the advantage (I think its an advantage) of being at an airshow for several days.  Through incredible mental deduction and complex statistical analysis (watch out Einstein), I’ve figured out that on any given day the format of an airshow or static event is essentially the same.  This gives me the opportunity to plan where I think I should be to get the best views.  In reality however, I’m often just looking for comfortable place out of the sun and this usually works.
The moral of the story is that you’ll always get the best seat in the house.  Because, at an airshow, every seat is a Goldilocks seat.
Fly safe.
Ken Dono
Sales Manager